Undoubtedly, hugs can provide solace, relief, and serenity to those in pain. When two individuals embrace, their hearts beating in sync, the connection between them can convey sentiments and intensity beyond the capacity of words.
Hugs offer comfort, making us feel better. When we empathize with someone in need, we feel compelled to embrace them and console them. There’s nothing quite like a warm hug when it’s most required.
At times, we need a hug ourselves, while on other occasions, we offer them to others. We may even extend our comforting embrace to our pets when they’re feeling sick, hurt, or afraid. However, do dogs reciprocate our desire to hug them?
A touching video suggests that they do. Jack Daniels, a Labrador retriever, had a lump removed from his neck and was filmed giving his owner a massive hug.
In a heartwarming display of love, the Labrador embraces his owner by wrapping his forelegs around the owner’s neck and resting his head on the owner’s shoulder. It’s no surprise that the owner becomes emotional and expresses his affection by kissing the dog’s head and comforting him with tender caresses.

It is evident that the dog has undergone a difficult experience as the staples on his neck are noticeable. It raises the question whether the dog is consoling his owner, reassuring him that he is fine now and there is no need to worry. Alternatively, the dog might require solace after the painful surgery.

Perhaps it’s a combination of both – two affectionate beings and closest companions coming together after a frightening experience, exchanging a moment of absolute affection.
Please do spread this heartwarming tale among your loved ones.
Rewritten Source: https://dogdispatch.com/sweet-dog-gets-home-after-surgery-and-gives-dad-the-biggest-hug