Approximately 5-10% of dogs residing in the United States experience hearing loss, either as they mature or from birth. This hearing impairment can be attributed to a genetic mutation affecting the cochleosaccular system. Dogs with white coats and blue eyes are more susceptible to this type of genetic hearing loss. One such dog is a pit bull named Blu, who has piercing blue eyes and a white coat, and is deaf.
Unfortunately, Blu has been languishing in an animal shelter without any visits day after day.

Fortunately, colleagues Mark and Sean were looking to adopt a deaf dog in the San Francisco region, and a Family Canine Rescue facility was able to locate two such dogs, including Blu.

When Mark and Sean initially saw Blu at the shelter, she was energetic and lively. Mark reported that she formed a strong bond with Sean right away, and the rest is history, as reported by GeoBeats Animals.
Blu’s original owners reached out to Mark and Sean to inform them that they had cared for Blu for six years. Unfortunately, when they had to move to a rental property that didn’t allow pit bulls, they had to surrender Blu to a shelter.
Blu remained at the shelter for an extended period of time and had a difficult time adjusting to her new home with Mark and Sean, likely due to her prolonged period of solitude.
Blu was uncertain about what her new owners had in store for her and whether or not she would be returned to the shelter.
In fact, a few days after Mark and Sean brought Blu home, she became emotional during their first car ride to the beach.
Mark noted that Blu was trembling in the back seat.

Blu’s personality reportedly flourished as she grew more comfortable around Mark and Sean.
After receiving love and care for three years, Blu has grown to enjoy car rides.
Blu has become attuned to Mark and Sean’s affection and they have developed their own unique ways of communicating with her. Blu can discern their intended destination by observing her dad’s gestures, and even sniffs their feet during walks.

Blu is possibly my spirit animal, I guess. I can discern when she’s feeling tense, content, or despondent, Sean said. “We just have a really strong connection.”
Blu recognizes that the movements of Mark and Sean’s fingers are indicators that she is doing well, while Sean’s serious expression communicates to her to relax.

Furthermore, they collaborated with a coach to instruct Blu on stress-reducing techniques such as stretching.
Blu’s inability to hear does not affect her behavior or interaction with her new owners.
Mark states that it only affects Blu’s ability to form connections with other dogs.

Mark stated that both my previous deaf dogs and she were not able to perceive many of the subtle signals that dogs use to communicate.
Even dogs with hearing impairment can sense and understand with their hearts. Sean commented, “I could never imagine not having a deaf dog because they are wonderful and unique.”
They also mentioned that Blu remains unfazed by holidays filled with fireworks, which are typically disliked by dogs.

It’s amazing to see how much Mark and Sean value Blu.
It’s also evident that the sentiment is mutual. Blu seems satisfied, joyful, and healthy with her new family. Blu has found a home in her new father’s house, and we’re thrilled about it.