An attractive puppy discovered abandoned at a garbage dump has a bright and joyous future ahead, thanks to a rescuer’s everyday routine. Takis Proestakis, a pet rescuer, regularly finds dogs at the nearby landfill. In fact, his initial rescue of an abandoned dog at the garbage dump inspired him to create Takis Shelter.

Samu was nearly camouflaged in his surroundings, as his white fur blended in with the color of the mattress he was hiding behind.
In the rescue video (accessible below), Takis states, “Here we go again,” as he releases his dog Zoe from his vehicle. Takis anticipates that Zoe will help entice the puppy toward him, and it proves successful.

Upon securing the puppy in his car, Takis couldn’t resist admiring the adorable canine. “Look at this beautiful face,” he exclaimed, pointing out that the puppy still had a blue collar on.

Takis transported Samu to his shelter, which is located on a mountainside within an olive grove. The shelter currently houses 300 dogs.
Initially, Samu was reserved, but the puppy gradually became more at ease around the other animals and began playing with the other dogs at the shelter.
In a short amount of time, Samu attracted the attention of a foreign guest who fosters dogs for Takis in her home country of Finland. Samu ultimately traveled to Finland and befriended two additional canines rescued from Takis Shelter. He is now on his way to living a joyous life!