It is common for whale watching expeditions’ travelers and crew to witness various incredible creatures such as dolphins, sea lions, and whales. The captains make a particular effort to take their passengers to the best spots for viewing. However, witnessing a gray whale giving birth was an unprecedented event, let alone capturing it on camera.
Experiencing this event was a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence. Initially, witnesses were alarmed by the reddish-orange cloud in the water surrounding the magnificent gray whale, thinking it was the worst-case scenario. But, in fact, it was the complete opposite, and a new life was entering the world right before their eyes.
“Many of us thought it could be a shark or some sort of predator, but instead of the end of life, it was the beginning of a new one,” said Captain Dave’s Dolphin & Whale Watching Safari.

The remarkable video footage shows the mother whale and her offspring swimming side by side and touching each other. As they witnessed the new mother assisting her newborn baby in taking its first breaths, the boat crew and passengers gasped in amazement. The enchanting experience left them in disbelief, and the stunning interactions were surreal to witness.
Few individuals can claim to have seen such an extraordinary miracle.

Observing the mother and calf swimming together, spectators noticed the baby popping its head out of the water.
“The mother is providing support to the calf, allowing its bones to rest and assisting it in breathing,” said Alisa Schulman-Janiger of L.A.’s American Cetacean Society’s Gray Whale Census and Behavior Task.
The mother whale then swam beneath the boat, raising it slightly out of the water. This occurrence is so unusual that this could be the only recorded video of a gray whale calf being born!
“It’s exceptionally uncommon and truly unique for individuals to witness the first few moments of a young whale’s life. A whale’s lifespan could reach 50, 60, or even 80 years, and this is just the beginning of the calf’s life,” said Alisa.